
May the festival of lights fill your life with joy, prosperity, and happiness.

The Diwali celebration at Darshan Academy, Lucknow, was a remarkable event that brought together students, teachers, and staff members to commemorate the festival of lights. The spirit of Diwali was joyously celebrated, promoting cultural awareness and fostering a sense of community within the school through various activities and competitions. The pre-primary students showcased their creative talents by making beautiful Diwali-themed crafts. Students from all classes participated in the competition, creating intricate and colorful rangoli designs. The highlights of the celebration were the Diwali Diya decoration by class 1, lantern making by class 2, bandhanwar making by class 3, Kalash decoration by class 4 and the rangoli competition by class 5. Several students narrated the importance of this festival and the program concluded with awards to the winners of the competitions.


"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "